Category Archives: Reviews

What Activities Can Future Educators Association Members Participate in?

The Future Educators Association (FEA) is a professional organization for students interested in education. In addition to hosting competitive events, it also offers volunteer opportunities. In this article, we’ll explain what these activities entail. For starters, it’s a great way to meet other students, get to know one another, and learn about the teaching profession.… Read More »

Types of Postsecondary Education

Postsecondary education is education received after high school or at a level higher than high school. It can be either private or public. Many types of courses are offered through postsecondary institutions. Many prepare students for the labor market. Some courses are simply for personal enjoyment and some prepare them for a career. Postsecondary education… Read More »

What Are the 3 Parts of Agricultural Education?

If you’ve been wondering, what are the 3 parts of agricultural education? You’ll find out here. These programs provide students with the academic, personal, and career experiences necessary to succeed in the agricultural industry. High school agricultural education programs include classroom/laboratory instruction, Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs), and FFA membership. Each program aims to achieve three… Read More »